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Samuel, Son and Successor of Rees Howells Director of the Bible College of Wales (and Emmanuel Grammar School). A biography by Richard Maton
About The Book
The ministry of Samuel Howells and the Bible College of Wales (BCW) have touched the lives of countless numbers of people all over the world.
The author invites us on a lifelong journey with Samuel Howells, to unveil his ministry at the College, life of prayer and the support he received
from numerous staff, students and visitors, as the history of the Bible College of Wales unfolds alongside the Vision to reach Every Creature with the Gospel.
In 1950, Samuel Howells became Director of BCW when his father Rees Howells was taken into glory and he led the work for the next fifty-two years;
living a life of faith and intercession. Samuel Howells lived through a time of tumultuous change in the world, and oversaw the work of the Bible
College and Emmanuel Grammar School as it sailed through six challenging decades. Filled with more than 110 B&W photographs, with many
from the time of Rees Howells, this biography remains as a historical record of the life of a great man of God, Samuel Howells,
the Director of BCW, its four estates, school, and its worldwide ministry.
An in-depth look at the intercessions of Samuel Howells is also available in the book Samuel Rees Howells: A Life of Intercession.

The Hidden Years
Early Days
War in Europe
The Venture Begins
The Silver Thread
Progress on Every Front
The College Stirs Again
The School of Faith
Challenges at Home
Kingdom Prayers
Easter and Whitsun
New Faces
Give Ye Them to Eat
Second Missionary Journey
The Congo Crisis
The Spectre of Communism
At the Helm
The Stormy Sixties and Seventies
A Resolute Stand Amidst Gathering Clouds
The Daily Walk
The Landing
The Young Generation
The French Connection
The Wall Comes Tumbling Down
Victory in South Africa
Operation Desert Storm
New Developments
The Achilles Heel
Handing Over the Baton
The Views of Two Visitors
The Every Creature Conferences
Bible College Students and Publications
Global Horizons and Trinity School of Ministry
Sources and Notes
ByFaith Media Resources
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Book Details
Size 8.5 x 5.5 inches (216mm x 140mm)
33 chapters
358 pages
113 black and white photos throughout the paperback and hardback editions
ISBN 978-1-907066-14-6 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-907066-36-8 (hardback)
ISBN 978-1-907066-28-3 (eBook)
About the Author
Richard Maton worked under Samuel Howells' ministry for forty-seven years and provides us with a firsthand account of Samuel’s life and the inner
workings of BCW, with its staff and friends. Richard was converted under the preaching of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and was called to the Bible College
of Wales in 1956 after hearing Leonard Ravenhill preaching at BCW. He has served in various roles as teacher (Emmanuel Grammar School), lecturer, dean, trustee and Principal
of the College and worked closely alongside Samuel for more than twenty years. Richard is married to Kristine.
Kristine Maton joined the College family in 1936, when her parents sold all to work when Rees Howells was the Director. She grew-up at the
College during the war years, and later joined the School staff, taking various roles including becoming Head Teacher. Kristine has
laboured extensively with her husband Richard on this book, providing valuable insights, including personal memories from the prayers
of Rees Howells, to the many decades of the ministry of Samuel Howells.
Order the book here.
Contents of photos: From Rees Howells to Emmanuel Grammar School
Samuel Howells in his early 20s – c.1933
A section of a sermon by Samuel Howells on the Holy Spirit
Rees Howells - Faith for a Bible College April 1923
Richard and Kristine Maton in 2011
Rees Howells and Lizzie Hannah Howells 1910
Rees Howells and Lizzie Hannah Howells in Africa c.1917
Rees Howells’ coffin in front of Derwen Fawr House
Samuel Howells and staff members of the Bible College of Wales in 1950
Rees Howells and Lizzie Howells with baby Samuel Howells 1913
Moses Rees and Samuel Rees Howells, age 3, 1915
Uncle Moses Rees’ Piano Stores and Stationery, Garnant, childhood home of Samuel Howells
Samuel Rees Howells age 4, 1916
Samuel Howells with his cousin c.1918
Samuel Howells at School in Garnant c.1919
Glynderwen House (Home of Emmanuel Grammar School)
Glynderwen House and El-Shaddai Building c.1935. Future home of Emmanuel Grammar School
Samuel Howells' first property, Twyn y Mynydd
Samuel Howells as a lecturer at the Bible College of Wales c.1946
Penllergaer Mansion (the Big House) 1939
Rees Howells and Lizzie Howells and Derwen Fawr House, Swansea, Wales
Sketty House (front view), Bible College of Wales
Sketty House (back view), Bible College of Wales
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church and bomb damage during WWII
Aerial view of Derwen Fawr and Sketty Isaf House
New erected buildings on all three Bible College of Wales estates, 1936
Ieuan Jones as a Bible College student
David Davies, Samuel Howells and Arthur Neil, 1980s
The Howells family c.1940
Mrs Lizzie Howells in the Holy Land 1937
The Paris Team with the Howells' in Swansea
The Middle East Team, north of Jerusalem c.1954
Samuel Howells in Beirut, Lebanon, 1951
Mr V. Atchinak and Samuel Howells in Beirut, 1962
Student Day, November 1963 (men staff & students)
Samuel Rees Howells with his foster parents c.1922
Duncan Campbell, Hebridean Revivalist at Derwen Fawr, Bible College of Wales c.1955
Samuel Howells with Tobias ‘Toby’ Bergin, c.1980s
Aerial View of Derwen Fawe Estate early 1950s
The Rees Howells family – Faith Is Substance c.1930
Moses Rees and young fashionable Samuel Howells
Gravestone of George Müller, Arnos Vale Cemetery, Bristol
Mrs Howells’ and Samuel Howells’ thank you card after the death of Rees Howells
Rees and Samuel Howells with Miss Alice Townsend
Rees and Lizzie Howells in America, 1922
Bible College of Wales Kitchen Garden 1970s
Samuel Howells at Derwen Fawr early 1970s
Courtyard of Derwen Fawr; ladies’ and men’s hostels
Ebenezer on the courtyard wall at Derwen Fawr, Bible College of Wales
Italian Gardens in the grounds of Derwen Fawr, Bible College of Wales
Samuel Howells in the early 1960s
Samuel Howells preaching c. late 1980s
Llandrindod Wells Convention, Wales, with Rees Howells, c.1930
Mrs Howells, Samuel Howells and Alice Townsend c.1921
1939-Whitsun Meeting, Rees Howells preaching
Whitsun (Pentecost) meeting 7 June 1938
The College Motto – Bible College of Wales prospectus 1935
Bible College of Wales staff, late 1950s with Samuel Howells
Samuel Howells on Black Mountain c. late 1970s
Samuel Howells in Istanbul, Turkey, 1962
Samuel Howells at Dachau Concentration Camp, France
Samuel Howells in 1951
Congo Newspaper headline clipping 1964
Congo Newspaper headline clipping 1964
Derwen Fawr Road, Swansea, Wales, 2011
Derwen Fawr Road, Swansea, Wales 2011
The Howells family late 1940s
Samuel Howells looking out of his bedroom window 1980s
Top section of the Italian Gardens at Derwen Fawr, Swansea, Wales
Billy Graham preaching at Wembly Stadium, London, 1954
Samuel Howells working in his bedroom / office 1980s
Young Reinhard Bonnke, former student of the Bible College of Wales and Peggy Coulthard, an intercessor 1980s
Thank you note – Millions of Russians for Christ
Rees Howells trekking in Zululand 1917
Booklet found in Samuel Howells’ Bible
Samuel Howells on the veranda of Derwen Fawr, Swansea, Wales
Samuel Howells having a picnic in the countryside of Wales
Samuel Howells with his mother Lizzie Howells 1965
Samuel Howells in the Blue Room 1995
Samuel Howells at Philippi, Greece, 1962
Samuel Howells recuperating c.1970s
Samuel Howells' signature
Some of the Bible College of Wales ladies staff, July 1981
Samuel Howells with Sam Matthews on the bridge
Prayer list of countries and Bible distribution
Maison de l’Evangile (The Gospel House) in Paris, France
Samuel Howells in Paris, France c.1962
Samuel Howells relaxed and happy mid 1980s
Derwen Fawr Road after a blizzard, January 1982
View from the veranda of Derwen Fawr, Bible College of Wales 1982
Church at Rusitu, Gazaland where revival broke out under Rees Howells in 1915
Emmanuel Grammar School 1980s
Primrose Thomas, Mair Davies and Dr. K. Priddy (of Emmanuel Grammar School)
View of Emmanuel Grammar School c.1955
Emmanuel Grammar School badge
Bible College School Inter-House Work Shield
Entry of a death in Samuel Howells' pocket diary 1987
The Howells family with Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia 1939
Coptic Christians reading the Holy Bible, Ethiopia
Bible Society of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Rees Howells in 1949, six months before his death showing the strains of the intercessions of the war
Lizzie Howells 1965
Samuel Howells celebrates 50 years as Honorary Director of the Bible College of Wales
Samuel Howells with Richard Maton February 2000
Entrance to Derwen Fawr Estate c.1940
School children at Emmanuel Grammar School c.1955
Samuel Howells at the grave of his parents, Rees and Lizzie Howells 1973
Samuel Howells with Norman Grubb, author of Rees Howells Intercessor c.1975
The Howells family grave in St. David’s churchyard, Penllergaer, Swansea
Samuel Howells as a young man c.1929
The College Vision – Go ye… from a 1937 booklet
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