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How To Forgive

Forgiving others does not minimise any offence, instead it hands over the burden to God, to deal with it, in His way and timing. As long as we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, we give offenders power over us. Remaining resentful is akin to drinking poison everyday and hoping someone else gets sick. Christ commands us to forgive, as it is best for us, so how can we?

1. Make a choice! “I don't feel like forgiving, but I will, because I know it is obeying God and it will help me. I want to be free from this poison of anger and hate inside.”

2. Resist Satan who wants you to hate and never forgive. He knows that if you do not forgive, you will be away from God and your prayers will not be answered.

3. Ask for God’s help. Yes, you’re angry and it is probably for a good reason. In John 20:22-23, Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” His next instruction was about forgiving people. Ask God to help you and fill you with His Spirit so you can do this.

4. Obey God. Pray for your enemies - it will help remove your anger and allow God’s love in (Luke 6:27-28). Bless and do not curse them (Romans 12:14). You only want revenge because they hurt you, but if you truly forgive, you’ll realise that you do not want anyone else to feel like you do now.

Unforgiveness is spiritual filthiness; don’t let Satan steal your future, as well as your past. Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).
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